Sep 29, 2008


Today marks seven years since our wedding. Wow. Where does the time go? Four cities, two states, three corporate relocations, seven addresses, two cats, four cars, one dog, and a little dude later, I am happy to report that we are still friendly.

To celebrate we are taking a trip to Ken's hometown of Syracuse, NY. Woo! Admittedly, my cheering might have been a bit sarcastic. I can't say that central NY would be at the top of my list for vacation spots, but it will be great to see the place that he grew up and experience his town first hand. Did I mention that Bex will be staying here with the grandparents? In all honestly I'm worried about him not wanting to come home because he is going to have such a great time. Of course, we will too! It will be great to take a break from parenting and just hang out.

We're also going to the wedding of one of Ken's besties from high school It should be a blast. In fact, the whole trip should be fantastic. I can't wait!

Though, I will miss the dude.

Happy Anniversary, Ken!