Oct 9, 2008

cutie mc'cutenstien

Behold. The husband at 30 months of age. Photo courtesy of his Godmother, Marilyn. Perhaps I am biased, but he could not be any cuter!

You see, today's mail contained an intriguingly overstuffed envelope from said Godmother , aka "Bubbie". Since it was also addressed to me I tore into into the envelope and found a lovely card holding 10 awesome photos from Ken's younger years. The photo above was on the top of the stack. I about died. That is one cute kid.

This one says he is two and a half. He's posing with his Mom. Hi GrandNan! You look adorable too! Anyway, I couldn't keep the cuteness to myself. Plus, I've sort of taken on the challenge of posting for seven consecutive days and I was running low on inspiration. Hooray for surprises in the mail! Thank you, Marilyn!